Lost Keys

The girl stood with her arms spread wide, calling out to me affectionately, "Yes my baby bear". As I made my way towards her, tears of joy welled up in my eyes. She had the same cute and loving demeanour that I had seen years ago in the park, with her dimpled smile and sparkling eyes. Overcome with emotion, I hugged her tightly, burying my face in her chest as I cried out, "Go-go aw-away from m-me".

But she merely patted my head with a smile, and I felt a warm sense of comfort that I had missed for nine long years. "Why did you come back when you chose to leave me?" I cried out, my voice choked with emotion.

"Ssh, stop crying! I didn't die!" she reassured me. "Then why are you crying? I shifted to this college because last weekend I spotted your dad in the grocery shop. You were picking up things and he recognized me. I asked him not to tell you that I'm here. Hehe, I wanted to give you a surprise, so I came to you!"

But my overwhelming feelings of love, sadness, and anger all came to the surface at once. "YOU SHAMELESS BITCH!!" I screamed at her. "I MISS YOU SO MUCH, AND LOOK HERE SHE IS AWAY FROM ME!!"

"I'm a new student and I'm already late. What a life! Anyway, why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in your classroom right now?" She checked her watch with a frown on her face. "I came here to get my extra pencil case kit, but I think I lost the key," I sighed. "You could have asked your friend, dude?" She replied with a bored expression. "I have a bunch of classmates hating me, and the rest hate me 100 times more than before," I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

"Never mind, I have a bunch of pens I can share with you. Let's go now," she held my hand and dragged me to the classroom. We ran fast and gasped when we realized that half of the period was already over. Literally?! I'm done. I will get scolded by that teacher. I rolled my eyes while thoughts ran through my head.

"May I come in, sir?" We uttered with the quietest voice of all.

"Com- WAIT?! WHY ARE YOU BOTH SO LATE?? Miss Kenyl, aren't you the new student in this class??" He said with a sarcastic smile on his face. "So, Jena, you're in your second year of college, and I'm surprised you're late!" He snorted. "Go sit down, Miss."

With that, we both chose a place to sit when suddenly he called my best friend. "Miss, won't you introduce yourself to the class, or shall I introduce you?" He said with one of the most sarcastic smiles I had ever experienced. I hate this teacher!

"Hello everyone, I'm Kendyl Clark. Nice to meet you all," she said with a fake smile, which made me laugh. Poor girl, she got forced into this. "Hi, Kendyl" everyone replied.

"Jenaaa!" A boy exclaimed, with fake tears travelling down from his cheeks as he wiped them. "You forgot us after getting your deary friend," he pouted.

"Oh, come on, have some shame," I rolled my eyes.

"GIRL, this is my last time telling you that MY NAME IS K.I.M.T.A.E.H.Y.U.N.G, Kim Taehyung, okay?! Now don't call me bish or something else, or else I won't talk to you," The boy pouted to whom I was struggling to wake him up in the zero period.


"Okay, guys, I'm sitting behind you all with her. She is my bestie, and I miss her so much," I replied as I gave her a tight hug. She giggled at my behaviour. "Poor bear missed me."

"Okay, class, SILENCE!" Our professor shouted at us by banging the duster on the table.

"Ugh, this crazy old dude," Taehyung uttered with a heavy sigh.

"Sir, I'm listening, please continue," he yawned.

"Taehyung, if you yawn loudly again, I will remove you from this class. Remember my warning." The teacher's stern voice echoed through the room.

"Sir, please remove me from the class, but let me kneel down to pray for you," Taehyung whispered to his classmates, causing them to burst into laughter, although they tried their best to stifle it. Luckily, the teacher didn't hear them due to his old age.


As I sat in the classroom, my patience was wearing thin. The teacher, who I could only describe as a "bitch," had been incessantly bickering with students which were nothing new to me. I couldn't help but think how much better it would be if I were at home instead. I could have spent the past two hours playing three games instead of listening to his nagging.

My annoyance had reached its peak, and I rolled my eyes in frustration. But despite my anger, I tried my best to suppress it. Suddenly, a voice called out my name. It was the teacher, of course.

I responded with a curt "Yes, sir?" but inside, I seethed with resentment towards him. He continued to scold me, threatening to throw me out of the class if I yawned loudly again. I bowed down, pretending to be sorry for my actions, but in reality, I would never apologize to someone like him.


Amid a busy classroom, Taehyunga received a pleasant surprise as her favourite friend called out to her. "Taehyunga!" she exclaimed. "My girlie, when did you turn so sassy?" Taehyunga smiled, feeling grateful for the playful banter. She noticed that the boy sitting in front of her was muttering under his breath, and she couldn't help but giggle at his cursing.

 "Keep your voice down," she whispered to him, "or that old hag will hear you. You don't want to risk jumping off a cliff, do you?" The boy and her friend burst into laughter, and Taehyunga couldn't help but join in. "Aish, okay," the boy said with a smirk. "But Jena, after sitting and talking with you, bro, made me like this!

 Blame it on you!" His friend chuckled at this, and they continued to joke around until the bell rang. The teacher announced that tomorrow's physics exam was approaching, and Taehyunga couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety. As the students nodded their heads, he noticed a familiar face walk in the twin sister of Jena, Yoon Minxi.

WRITTEN BY taeshter

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