Great Bae

The teacher called out to Jena, asking her to come to her office. Jena put on a smile and headed towards the office. As she was about to enter, the teacher mentioned that their mother had asked them to learn either guitar or violin based on their choices. Jena was a bit taken aback and asked, "Why do we need to learn this when we are already under pressure with academics?" The teacher let out a sigh and replied, "You do have a point. However, our mother wants both of her daughters to be talented enough to impress the Kim family and get married to their powerful sons." She then suggested that Jena should visit Madam Gu Yan for further details.

Jena felt a sense of hesitation and squinted her eyes, "But I haven't even graduated yet, isn't it too early to think about marriage?" She continued, "I am a 25-year-old young adult who is still trying to build up my career. Moreover, my father's condition is still good, and I don't want to rush into anything before I am ready." 

She paused for a moment and asked, "Are you saying that we need to get married and have children just to make our parents happy?" She was feeling confused and unsure about the whole situation.

Her companion nodded. "I'm against it." 

"Mind your words, they are our parents, and you are talking back to their wishes?" Her companion warned her.

"Shall I not call it a HELL CURSE??"     "JENA"    "Sister i must admit you are older than me but don't you think it's illegal to get married at the age of 19?? Plus this topic looks so pointless and unnecessary to me as well as harmful to our healthy relationship"     "Fine but I dream that we sisters together will learn something related to  music!" She pleaded with joint hands, "Mwee at least join me in my music class" I gave out a chuckle.  "I will learn as well but it was stupid of them to marry off a 19-year-old daughter to a 27-year-old paedophile" I bluntly spat out with a good laugh.  

"I need to confess something to you, Sissy," I said.

"Go ahead and spill it, di," she replied, her eyes fixed on me.

"I lied earlier. I was just trying to scare you into studying harder," I admitted, feeling embarrassed.

Sissy's expression changed from curiosity to confusion. "What do you mean?" she asked.

"I mean that if you don't start taking your studies seriously, I don't have the power to banish you from college or force you to marry someone poor," I explained, feeling relieved that the truth was finally out in the open.

Sissy let out a sigh of relief and a smile spread across her face. "Oh, thank goodness! I was so worried there for a minute," she exclaimed.

"I'm sorry for scaring you like that. I just want the best for you," I said, trying to make amends for my past behaviour.

Upon hearing my apology, she responded with a piece of advice that I could not ignore. "Hmm, then forget about that Kim Tiger guy. Stop covering his mistakes and focus on your goals. Lately, I've noticed that you've been getting distracted from your studies. You're always laughing, giggling, and gossiping, but those are just illusions. What will stay with you is your knowledge. You need to focus on your studies," she advised.

As soon as she finished talking, I was taken aback. "WAIT-- Sissy, you were kidding with me for so long? But I heard from Mumma that I will learn some musical instruments according to Master Gu's order," I said, trying to make sense of everything.

In response, she rolled her eyes and scoffed at the mention of Master Gu. "Master Gu? That old man bahh," she said dismissively.

Not knowing what to say, I simply replied with a simple "okay."


Jena was feeling confident and excited as she took a sip of her apple juice, exclaiming "I'm ready!" to her friend Taehyung. He noticed her flirty mood and commented on it, to which Jena admitted that she was in the mood for a boyfriend to handle her. Taehyung understood but was less interested, suggesting that they head home and rest for now, and she could find a boyfriend later.

As Taehyung yawned, Jena remembered that she still had to complete her notes and told him that she would join him at home later. He gasped and left, and Jena couldn't help but feel that something was strange. She watched as he turned his head and waved at her, and she smiled, thinking to herself that he was a great friend.

However, her thoughts were interrupted by the voice of her elder sister, who squeezed her shoulder and asked who Jena was referring to as "great bae". Jena recognized her sister's voice and flinched. When she told her sister about Taehyung, her sister snorted and warned her to stay away from him, saying that he was good for nothing.

As I listened to her talk, I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her assumption that I had developed feelings for my male best friend. "What's wrong with him?" I asked.

However, was persistent. "You seem to have feelings for him," she continued. "I can see it in the way you talk about him and the way you look at him."

I was taken aback by her words. "That's ridiculous," I protested. "He's just my friend. I don't have feelings for him like that."

But she didn't let up. "Remember, we're supposed to marry into the Jeon family," she reminded me. "There are two sons, one for me and one for you. And your soon-to-be husband is the same age as you. Once you both get financially stable, you'll be married off."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "Is that some kind of tradition we have to follow?" I asked, feeling overwhelmed. "I want to marry someone of my own choice, someone who I truly love."

As I spoke, tears began to form in my eyes. I tried to brush them away and laugh it off, blaming the cold weather for my watery eyes. But my friend could see through my facade and asked what was wrong.

That's when I confessed that I had been haunted by a man from my dreams. I couldn't remember his face clearly, but I knew that I loved him with all my heart. She raised her eyebrow as she suggested that maybe I needed to express my feelings to him and see how he felt in return. 

I smiled at the thought, imagining a future where I could finally be with the man of my dreams. But deep down, I knew that it might never happen. He was just a figment of my imagination, a man who I might never meet in real life.

WRITTEN BY : taeshter

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