Adopted or Bought?

"I have been keeping a secret from you since we were young, but I think it's time I share it with you. I am Kim Yeji, and I was adopted by the Jeon family. They knew me as Jeon Minya. However, I had a birth mother. Unfortunately, she is not here with us anymore, and if she had been, things might have turned out differently," Minya explained with a sympathetic look on her face.

The younger one couldn't hold back her emotions and broke down in tears. She hugged Minya tightly, apologizing for not being able to protect her.

"We used to hang out and laugh so much but I must accept  your traumatic childhood made you cold-" Her words got interrupted by the older sister, "So it means you were sold to the Jeon family right?"   "I must say that Your sister is more cunning and has a bigger brain than yours.." She teased.

"You bis" The younger screamed.

On the first day of classes, students usually introduce themselves and interact with one another. During this time, Yeji was tickling someone and they complained. To break the ice, Yeji suggested teaching her classmates how to play the guitar with her favourite song, "Love Wins All". She instructed them to take out their guitars from their bags and began to introduce them to the strings. She explained that the top string is called E and the first fret is an F. There is no such thing as E#, and the second fret is an F#. The third fret is a G, and this pattern continues down. Yeji then asked her classmates to name each note on one string."Haha stop it tickling" Yeji complained as she tickled her to death.

The first day of classes is always like this. Introduction of each other and interaction is what usually happens. "I would like to make u learn guitar with my favourite song, 'Love Wins All'. Take out your guitar from the bag.. first" She instructed.

"Now-" "At first let me introduce you to the strings.."

"On the top string, the first note (an open string) is E. The first fret on the top string is an F (remember, there is no such thing as E#). The second fret on the top string is an F#. The third fret on the top string is a G. This continues down. Try naming each note on one string."

"Mind explaining what is notes in terms of music?"   "The musical alphabet (and hence, order of guitar notes) looks like this: A, A#, B, C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A." 

"Now. I will make you learn how to hold a guitar" She smiled as she went forward to her.  "So support it on the thigh of your dominant side, holding it in tight to your body with the elbow on that side."   She helped the older one to hold the guitar.

"And... keep it steady, form a "V" shape with the thumb and forefinger of your fretting hand, and use that hand to balance the neck of the guitar." 

  "Is it ok now?"  The older questioned.

She nodded her head in reply.

"Now see there is a small flat tool used for plucking the strings.. its called a plectrum"

"We-" Her voice was cut by her phone call. Her tender smile left from her face.    "Okay, I'm sorry I can't give you any time I have a few works now. Bestie study well ok? Byee"  


As the older sister walked down the street with her younger sibling, she whispered under her breath, "Love wins all."

The younger sister was intrigued and asked, "What's that from?"The older sister replied, "It's just something I believe in. You know, I used to write when I was younger. I've always dreamed of writing a book with two songs called 'Still With You' and 'Love Wins All'.   "Love wins all.." The older slowly whispered under her breath as she walked down the street with her younger sister.

"The title is beautiful isn't it??" The younger asked. "Yes. I left my writing career at the age of 16 and trust me I wanna write a book with 2 songs,' Still With You' and 'Love Wins All'.

[AUTHOR NOTE: It's name is, 'Prince's Forsaken Love.']

"Come on sissy, I will support you hehe" 

"I'm in pain," hissed the younger sister. "Don't read my books, or you might get addicted." She flipped her hair with pride all over her face. "As if I'm dying?" She rolled her eyes and left her sister behind. "You want to go alone?" she shouted from the back. Without any reply, she ran back to her house as if she were running a marathon, reaching it in just five minutes. 

"She's crazy, I wonder who will marry her," the sister slowly walked back home, thinking about the younger sister's odd behaviour."Ah sissy" The younger hissed in pain. "Don't read my books or I'm afraid u might be addicted. She flipped her hair with proudness all over her face. "Duh as if I'm dying?" She rolled her eyes and left her sister behind. "You wanna go alone?" She shouted from the back.

Without any reply, she ran back to her house as if she was running a marathon causing her to reach in five minutes... "Duh.. She is crazy I wonder who will marry her" The sister slowly walked back home thinking about the crazy younger sister she has..

"Mom," she called out as she entered her mansion. "How was the class, sweetheart?" "It was honestly so beautiful, and the tutor was a girl named Jeon Minya," she replied. "But I was informed that a male teacher would be teaching you?" Her work strokes on her mind as she smiled widely and said, "Ayo, Mom, trust me, the male teacher was dressed like he was from ancient times, with long hair. I think I must have mistaken it."

"Aha, you're a blind girl," a voice interrupted, giggling, during the conversation between the ladies

WRITTEN BY : taeshter

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