Jena Yoon

As the group was engaged in a lively discussion, an elderly woman, who had been listening intently, interrupted them with a single statement that immediately caught everyone's attention. Prior to that moment, a few people had been gossiping about her, but her words proved her wisdom and silenced any doubts anyone had about her. She advised the group, "Your senses may not always provide accurate information about your surroundings. Sometimes, it's necessary to observe more closely."

Her statement resonated with everyone present, and they pondered over it for a while, trying to make sense of it. It was evident that she had struck a chord with them. After making her statement, she got up from the table, thanked everyone for the lovely conversation, and walked away gracefully. She ordered a cup of tea and sat in the tulip garden, enjoying the beautiful surroundings, lost in thought. 

Her words stayed with the group long after she had left, and they realized that they had been too quick to judge her. They felt ashamed of their gossip, but also grateful for the valuable lesson she had imparted.

As I lay in my bed, feeling the weight of the day slowly fading away, my thoughts started to wander. I began to reflect on the idea that maybe we shouldn't trust what we see with our eyes, but rather focus on what we truly need. It requires careful observation and introspection to determine what is truly important in life. 

As I drifted off to sleep, I couldn't help but feel a bittersweet sense of nostalgia. Time seems to be slipping away faster than I ever could have imagined. It's a strange feeling, knowing that the moments we cherish so dearly are fleeting and can never be truly recaptured. 

In that moment, a passing thought crossed my mind - perhaps I should learn music. I'm single and feeling a bit restless, and learning a new skill might be just the thing to occupy my time. Who knows, maybe I could even impress myself with my newfound abilities. 

It was then that I remembered something a friend once said - that time flies faster than a bullet to the heart. It's a chilling thought, but it's true. Both time and a bullet have the ability to pierce through the delicate and tender white skin, leaving an indelible mark. 

As I finally succumbed to sleep, these thoughts swirled around in my mind like a kaleidoscope of emotions. It's amazing how a few simple words can evoke such powerful feelings of introspection and contemplation.

In the past few months, I have been through a lot of challenges, and learning to play the guitar has been one of them. It hasn't been as easy as I had initially thought, and I have had to put in a lot of effort to make progress. The journey has been slow, and I have come to realize that I am not a quick learner when it comes to playing musical instruments.

My elder sister had started learning to play the guitar a month before me, and I was amazed at how beautifully she played. Watching her play inspired me to learn to play the guitar too. However, my ego got in the way, and I delayed starting for another month. I felt that since she started before me, I couldn't let her get ahead of me. So I waited until I felt I was ready to start.

As time went on, I became increasingly frustrated with myself for not starting earlier. One day, in a fit of frustration, I lightly slammed my head on the hard, wooden desk. It was then that I realized that my ego was causing me to miss out on something I wanted to do. I knew I had to let go of my pride and start learning the guitar.

Despite the challenges, I was determined to learn the guitar, so I made the difficult decision to leave college early to focus on my guitar lessons. It was a tough decision, but I knew it was necessary for me to achieve my goal.

I have a vivid memory of a time when I delved into the world of guitar playing. It was a personal goal of mine that I was determined to achieve. I had no ulterior motives to impress anyone with my newfound talent or skills. It was just something that I wanted to do for myself. Even though I occasionally flirted with guys, it was never a priority or a significant part of my life. My main focus was on a particular man who had an irresistible charm that I couldn't resist. 

He had striking blonde locks that looked like strands of gold, sun-kissed skin that glowed in the light, and an intense gaze that seemed to penetrate your soul. He was the one that truly captured my heart and attention, and I found myself drawn to him in ways that I couldn't explain.

Sometimes i wonder if i actually like him, or if he's just a friend. Every time he sleeps, he says a word that you've been hearing for years, and it still gives you chills and makes you want to completely surrender to him. But do you really understand what that means?

  "Just read It and read it along with your silky hair falls on your browny tanned skin as my hand travels with my orbs staring deep at the soul and will let you know how this tongue wants to taste the every corner of your body"

You find yourself waking up in a luxurious king-sized bed, feeling disoriented and confused. As you glance over, you realize that you're lying next to Jeon Minya, the abandoned daughter of the prestigious Jeon Family. Despite the lavish surroundings, the words that have been weighing heavily on your heart for days still remain. You try to speak, but your throat feels dry and scratchy, making it difficult to articulate your thoughts. 

Minya looks at you with a mix of confusion and concern, and you can feel her gaze boring into you. You try to speak again, but before you can get a word out, she interrupts you, demanding an explanation for your recent behavior. "Care to explain, Miss?" she asks, her voice laced with frustration.

You hesitate for a moment, unsure of where to begin. But before you can respond, she cuts you off once again, her tone growing more agitated. "But why didn't you eat for three days, huh?" she demands, her eyes narrowing as she waits for your response.

Feeling guilty, you sigh heavily and confess the truth. "I hated my brain for conflicting with my heart, which wanted nothing more than to learn new songs," you say, your voice barely above a whisper. As the words leave your mouth, you feel a sense of relief, as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders.

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