
His Forbidden Desires


His Forbidden Desires

"Dad," my eighteen-year-old son called out to me as I paused and looked straight into his eyes. "Yes, son?" I replied. Giving out a hesitant smile and scratching his nape, he asked, "Well... Dad, who taught you how to play the guitar?" "Oh, well, it was a professor, of course, or else who would it be?" I shrugged my shoulders, letting it out casually. "But these tunes don't seem like they were taught by a teacher. But even if it was... this tune cages me deep inside. It's where I can't control but to let those pearls come out of my heart," he continued. As I listened to his words, I felt lost in thought. I pushed myself deep under the water, not caring about feeling suffocated. But when I touched the ocean blue and saw your reflection, I realized that I had lost you forever. -Happy Ending -Smut Content -Explicit Language

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